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Turbo Jam Get on the Ball 2 DVD Set with Ball by Chalene Johnson - Includes Total Body Blast DVD, Kickin' Core DVD, and Turbo Ball

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Customer Review: turbo jam not so much
uhhh, just join a gym for great classes. that is what i opted to do after watching and attempting the moves in this dvd. i do spin 5xs a week with 2 body pump classes, and love it! these dvds are very hard to follow and not terrific if you have ANY kind of back issue. the movements are to "jerky" and no fun at all. join you local golds gym! for the monthly membership fee you can go to all the classes you want !
Customer Review: Great addition for your Turbo Jam Collection!!
I have become a Turbo Jam Addict, that's a good thing :). I love it so much that I have 3 different workouts. Maximum Results, Turbo Jam Get On The Ball and I just received Fat Burning Elite (haven't used this program yet). Get On The ball is my personal favorite but just like the others, it is fun and man it makes me sweat. I mix my workouts up using a different Turbo Jam program 3 days a week along with the treadmill and punching bag. On average I exercise 5 days a week, 20 to 30 minutes a day, I'm diabetic so I can't over do it. As I become stronger I will slowly increase the length of time that I exercise. I also watch how much I eat but am not dieting. I'm feeling great and look forward to exercising. I highly recommend this if you already love Turbo Jam or if you are going to try it out for the first time. Go For It!! My only suggestion is order from Ebay, Amazon anywhere but Beachbody--all the over charging ,pushing products you don't want and not issuing returns are TRUE !!!! I made that mistake. I had to cancel my bank card and stop payment in order for me to get my money back!! Okay, I am back. It's been 5 months since I started using the Turbo Jam System. I wanted to update my progress to let others know it really does work! I have lost 10 pounds and 17 inches off my entire body since May 1,2008. That was the day I decided I needed to get into better shape to help manage my Diabetes. I LOVE Turbo Jam more and more everytime I do it. Go ahead try it, you'll love it too!!

Losing belly fat isn't always easy or fast but it can be done with cardio workouts. However, you may have seen cardio-addicts at your local gym who do endless amounts of cardio and still have that stubborn layer of belly fat. This is because they don't really know how to do cardio and are simply wasting their time. By the time you finish reading this article, you will not make the same mistakes as they are.

Cardio tricks

The way to do cardio in order to burn belly fat and body fat is to make it intensive. There's very little point to do workouts which don't push your body to exertion.What's the benefit of being on a treadmill for an hour if you hardly break a sweat? It is much better to do an intensive 20 minute workout as long as you feel that you've really pushed yourself.

That's the first rule: intensive cardio is more important than long duration cardio. The quality is more important than the quantity.

Cardio workouts

The second rule to know is that not all cardio is created equal.You can burn twice as many calories by doing one cardio workout than you would by doing another workout for the same length of time. If you don't want to spend hours at the gym, you better do fat burning cardio workouts and not waste time on easy to do exercises.

Belly fat burning cardio workouts include:

  • Running - make sure to alternate speed to really push yourself
  • Rowing - Good for upper body strength too
  • Swimming - Develops the upper body
  • Jumping rope - A great home cardio workout
  • Hiking - A great way to spend time with your loved ones and burn some stomach fat in the process
  • Kickboxing and aerobic classes - These depends on the level of the class but can be quite intensive

Also, cardio workouts which involve strength elements like rock climbing, martial arts, certain ball game sports, can help you burn more abdominal fat for each minute you do them.

If you spend your time doing intensive cardio workouts and make sure to really push yourself, you will see massive results.

To read how you can lose belly fat and keep it off, visit this webpage:
Burn Your Stomach Fat.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter. To read about the best way to get flat abs, click here: Truth About Abs

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