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Home Fitness: Designing Your Own Home Gym and Workout Plan


Exercise physiologist and wellness expert Suzanne Falaschetti presents sound advice on how to design and implement a home exercise plan. Falaschetti guides the reader, step-by-step, as they prepare for exercise, design a workout plan, and select safe and appropriate exercise equipment. Includes logical, easy-to-follow exercises and workouts in sensible progressions that are suitable for beginners and advanced exercisers alike. The book thoroughly explains the benefits of exercise in a home gym, and offers chapters on preparing for exercise, personal workout plans, a shopping guide to home gym equipment (with specific information on cardiovascular and strength training equipment), and much more.
Customer Review: Very good information
If you are looking to design your own home gym, I think you will find this resource very helpful. Some outdated fitness information by the author, but overall, very informative.

A lot of people are under the delusion that there is many ways by which they can be able to achieve maximum muscle gain. This is however not the case, when it comes to gaining more mass there is only one approach and this involves lifting heavy weights in an intense workout program. For you to gain more mass the muscles need to be overloaded and this can not be possible if you train using light weights. The only way the muscles can be fatigued so that they reach muscle overload is through using heavy weights. All the people who have massive frame used this approach in order to transform there muscle frame.

That is why a lot of successful bodybuilders used the doctrine no pain no gain when they were doing intense workout. However the flip side to all of this is that despite the fact that you will be able to achieve tremendous mass gain your muscle tissues will be exposed to risk of getting injuries. Injuries have sounded the death knell of many bodybuilders who had a blossoming career in the industry. Therefore it is of utmost importance that each person who is hoping to become a successful bodybuilder learns how to avoid these injuries. Below are a few measures you can follow so that you avoid gym injuries.

1. Start your workout session by warming up

This is the most effective way of avoiding gym injuries. You need to do intense warm ups for about 10-15 minutes and you should only quit when you feel that your body temperature has been elevated. Warm ups are useful because they ensure that there is lubrication of the body joints and also heighten the flow of blood in the connective tissues. When it comes to lowering body strain this two factors are very important. When warming up you can apply some light aerobics such as spot jogging or working on the treadmill. You can also lift light weights as you progress towards lifting heavier weights.

2. Always ensure that you maintain proper form during training

When you are training in the gym you should make sure that you are in textbook form. Some training techniques such as weight bouncing and weight jerking require you to be in textbook form otherwise you are just preparing yourself to getting an injury. Your body posture needs to be correct to prevent cheating where other body parts assist you to lift the weight hence you are not able to train the targeted muscles. When this occurs then the targeted body parts will not be able to grow.

3. Always know when to stop

A good bodybuilder knows when to tell if they have trained beyond there limit. If you are not able to lift the number of sets and perform the reps you had set to do, then you should not force yourself to go beyond your limits. This is the number one reason why many bodybuilders have suffered from gym injuries. Live to fight another day.

Dane Fletcher is the world's most prolific bodybuilding and fitness expert and is currently the executive editor for BodybuildingToday. If you are looking for more bodybuilding tips or information on weight training, or supplementation, please visit http://www.BodybuildingToday.com, the bodybuilding and fitness authority site with hundreds of articles available FREE to help you meet your goals.

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