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There is no doubt that many people in this world want to change their body and look better. In fact this simple fact has driven the fitness industry to a multi-billion dollar industry filled with fitness machines and equipment.

Using Pilates is one answer to those who are looking to change their body to look better. But better yet with using Pilates you will get much more than just improving your body you will also improve your overall lifestyle.

To get started with Pilates there is not a requirement for a Pilates Machine or equipment although as you advance with Pilates you will definitely want to ensure you use a Pilates machine and the several forms of Pilates equipment.

The goal of this article will be to cover some of the more popular types of Pilates equipment and the main Pilates Machine a Pilates reformer.

Pilates Machine Reformer

The main Pilates machine used with the Winsor Pilates method is the Pilates reformer. The goal of the Pilates Reformer machine is to provide a comprehensive total-body workout. A Pilates machine can address every muscle group with 32 exercises; and folds up to for easy storage.

A good Pilates reformer will offer several levels of resistance. Expect somewhere around 4 or 5 total levels so that as you advance with Pilates you will increase the level of resistance. These Pilates Machines can come with a wood base and some of the top of the line reformers have patented Aero Pilates cardio/strength combo built in.

Pilates Ball

Pilates balls come in many forms, with the main goal of providing a low impact workout. You will see the more advanced Pilates balls typically around 22 inches with Pilates rings and adjustable tubing. Essentially these Pilates balls have the elastic resistance bands so that you can workout in both your mid section and upper body.

Pilates Rings And Pilates Circles

Pilates rings (sometimes known as Pilates circles) stem from the original Pilates workout designed by Joseph Pilates. Basically these Pilate rings are an elastic rubber and allow you to get a total body workout with resistance. Pilate rings are great for traveling or in home workouts because they are small and compact.

A good Pilates ring will consist of flexible plastic and a soft rubberized shell. The ring should have padded handles both inside and outside and provide leveling resistance between a 3 and 4 band ring circle.

Overall the above Pilates machine and equipment provide a good overview of some of the more popular Pilates items used with training. The Pilate machine or equipment is not required to get started with Pilates, but as you advance with Pilates you may want to consider a few of the items. Winsor Pilates is revolutionary workout which can provide you a brand new lifestyle. If you are considering a fitness program I highly recommend you give Winsor Pilates a try.

If want a full review of Winsor Pilates visit my site: Winsor Pilates Review.

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