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120 Square Feet ( 30 tiles + borders) 'We Sell Mats' Charcoal Gray 2' x 2' x 3/8" Anti-Fatigue Interlocking EVA Foam Exercise Gym Flooring

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This item by "We Sell Mats" is designed by our product engineers with quality, durability and value in mind. Because all "We Sell Mats" branded items are sold specifically be "We Sell Mats", you can always be confident that you will receive a quality product at a great price. Comes with thirty new charcoal gray tiles. Each measuring 2' x 2' for a total of 120 square feet. Each tile measures 3/8" thick. Borders are included. Perfect for ages 3+. Provides a cushion to hard floor surfaces in gyms, exercise rooms, trade shows, playrooms, etc.

Increasing muscle size is an issue familiar to skinny guys and gym trainees alike because, no matter what is their level of fitness, they all have share dissatisfaction at the results or lack of them. You only have to google around to be faced with an enormous and often conflicting amount of information on this topic. So not to waste your precious time I'll be straightforward and say that what you read here is mainly directed at Mister Average Joe, with little time available, a job, a family, normal genetics and recovery abilities and with a healthy dislike for drugs. Most of the time when a trainee is unhappy with his lack of progress it is because of over training, which means using an excessive volume of exercises per body part repeated too frequently, before his body had a chance to recover and grow.

Supplement and protein powders taken in the mistaken belief to help his body recover and feed it nicely will only cause an increase in fat deposits and a decrease in wallet volume. This is because his body, once over trained, does not have the natural ability to absorb the vast amount of proteins that it is force fed in the insufficient time given to rest and recover from the already excessive amount of volume. That is alright and well for the so called professional bodybuilders pictured in the glossy muscle magazines, who have their natural ability to train, recover and absorb proteins artificially enhanced by drugs. But not for you. Most supplement companies work with muscle magazines for their own gains and they fail to tell you on purpose so they can go on making money. Natural trainees all over the world easily fall prey in two steps to this misinformation mafia, firstly by following the top body builders' high volume training routines that are way excessive for a normal drug free person , secondly by buying the supplements advertised in the very same magazines in the mistaken belief that their muscles can absorb vast amounts or proteins and grow quicker. In the end they get frustrated at the lack of results and end up with no muscle to show for, no money and an extra layer of fat . Many give up, many insanely carry on thinking they have "poor genetics" or they are slaking off, resolving to workout even harder waiting for the magic turning point that will never arrive.

Once upon a time, before the internet age, these muscle mag/supplement industry cartels had the complete monopoly on the information provided to thousands, perhaps millions of natural trainees across the world . Today they are still big, but Information Technology can give a help undreamed of before to novices and gym trainees to avoid falling into the same trap. I wish internet existed in my teen or twenties. The key to increase muscle size for a normal person is exactly the opposite of what you read in the magazines: performing as few sets as possible for body part, the smallest amount you can get away with, and focusing on brief great intensity, not high volume gym marathon sessions. Infrequent and intense workouts are the key, not gym attendance records. Few tough and solid compound movements are the tools, not useless and time wasting isolation exercises.

You have to think of your body not like an assembly of different body parts to be trained in isolation, but as a whole, like a harmonious machine that will naturally kick into growth if stimulated with big solid compound exercises repeated infrequently, possibly with full body workouts. Don't miss the forest for the tree, take a step back and see the whole picture. Check this honest program.

To your luck.

Andy Finn, fitness enthusiast.


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