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Champion Field House Series Power Lift Platform Only Gym Equipment

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The Champion Field House Series Monster Rack Power Lift Platform is a multi-purpose half rack constructed of heavy duty steel tubing for the maximum strength and balance. This high quality, cutting-edge gym equipment is ideal for serious strength and weight training. This Champion Series power training unit includes adjustable safety spot bars, adjustable 4 peg bar catches and 16 separate weight storage horns for a safe, effective and convenient workout.

An ever-tightening economic climate requires that your gym get creative with its programs and services. Now it's more important than ever to take a close look at the data you capture of your customers, uncover trends, and leverage that information to create targeted marketing campaigns and offers to keep them coming back and to attract new customers. Below are a few tips on how your gymnastics software can significantly help to find new customers and retain existing ones to ensure that your gym continues to thrive for the long-term.

1. Build a Meaningful Database. By capturing relevant information about everyone who visits your gym, you are building a database that holds valuable information that can significantly impact the growth of your gym.

  • What Information Should You Capture? Go beyond capturing basic information such as contact details, birthday, and demographics. Capture key interests, past sign-ups, why members left their last gym, or reasons why they selected your gymnastics facility. This type of information will let you know why members leave before they actually do, how you can improve their experience, and what keeps them coming back. Leverage this data to create targeted, effective marketing campaigns.
  • How Do You Capture Information? To capture the data, consider giving something of value away in exchange for feedback and information. This can be a club t-shirt, free guest pass or a member discount. Provide survey forms to every gymnast, ask questions on registration forms, call your customers, or simply send them an email. No matter how you go about securing the information, try several different methods to ensure you're connecting with every single customer.
  • When Do You Capture Information? The answer is every time you interact with your gymnasts. Right now you take contact information down when new families register or at the start of a new session. Capture information from everyone that registers for your birthday parties, from anyone that comes to summer camp, and from anyone that attends a special event like competition or fair at the gym. By capturing this important customer data into your database, you will be able to direct your existing resources to the activities that your customers really want, and save money by eliminating the things they don't value.

2. Analyze Data and Uncover Trends. Once you've collected all of your customer data, generate reports and analyze your findings to start making more informed business decisions. Through reports you may uncover trends on what age group participates in which activities most frequently, how families are hearing about your classes, and when your gym has the most sign-ups. For example, you'll know to email special offers for certain class registrations during your slower months or during a member's birthday month. The benefits of analyzing this data is that you will reveal new revenue opportunities, improve business oversight, and equip your staff with the knowledge necessary to connect with customers in a more personalized and timely way.

3. Garner Attention. Once you have the data, understand what it means, and decide how you can use it to generate more revenue, tell your customers and prospects about your services in a multi-touch yet targeted way.

  • Website. With the data you've collected, update your Website with relevant messages that appeal to your customers and prospects.Gymnastics organizations should develop sites that include pictures and images, competition results, class openings and sign-ups, as well as a members only page with information exclusively for loyal members. Once you have a Website, it's of the utmost importance to promote it. Mention your Website address on your voicemail greetings, in staff email signatures, on membership cards, on receipts and invoices, in ads and marketing collateral, on business cards, and even on social networking sites, such as Facebook and MySpace.
  • Email Marketing. Emails are one of the most cost-effective and time-efficient methods to market your message to a large audience. Use automated list building tools in your gymnastics software to segment your list by demographic, interests, sign-up history and send customized emails. Keep members updated on your schedules, promotions, and offerings via an electronic newsletter. Make it easy for your email recipients to understand the purpose of the email, access more information, sign up, and then share the opportunity with friends. Of course, make sure that you are sending emails to only those who have opted-in to receiving such emails.
  • Direct Mail Campaigns. Share news and announcements to customers through brochures, flyers and postcards sent directly to their mailboxes. From new class schedules, summer camps, and event announcements to special offers and thank you cards, stay in communication with customers and create awareness for prospects through ongoing, targeted and personalized direct mail campaigns.

There are many ways to market your gym, but with the right gymnastics software a meaningful database, and a bit of creativity, you'll be able to use the data you've collected to market more effectively than ever before.

James Reyes is the General Manager for ActiveCommunities, a division of The Active Network, Inc.

ActiveCommunities is a leading provider of membership management software and marketing solutions for thousands of membership-based organizations throughout North America, including gymnastics clubs, health and fitness clubs, parks and recreation centers, YMCAs, YWCAs, and JCCs.

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