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The Gleason's Gym Total Body Boxing Workout for Women: A 4-Week Head-to-Toe Makeover

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Defined arms; sleek shoulders; flat, tight abs; lean, firm legs -- this is the shape that women want to get from their workouts. World-renowned trainer Hector Roca and owner Bruce Silverglade bring Gleason's Gym's boxing secrets to your home with The Gleason's Gym Total Body Boxing Workout for Women, outlining a step-by-step program that gets any woman into knockout shape -- fitter, faster, and firmer than ever in just four weeks!

Boxing is not only a dynamic fitness program but also a powerful addition to other fitness routines. Using unique combinations of muscle groups and both aerobic and weight training movements, boxing works out the entire body at one time. You'll lose weight; build lean, toned muscle; improve cardiovascular fitness; and feel physically and emotionally stronger all at once.

Roca and Silverglade break down all the boxing basics, from how to make a fist and how to stand, to more advanced boxing moves and various ways of jumping rope and include a nutritional plan to maximize results. The Gleason's Gym Total Body Boxing Workout for Women offers the ultimate workout for women who want to look their best, feel their best, and be their best.
Customer Review: Not just for Women
I've been punching a heavy bag off and on for couple of years now and I knew just really basics on how to hit the bag and other things of that nature. Well I haven't been doing much at all lately and getting a little out of shape....So the wife and I decided that we would like to get back into our excercise routine. I went back to boxing, and she was jealous because my workout looked fun and hers was repetitive. She asked to be shown how to hit the bag, and I showed her basics, but other than that I didn;t even know. So the next day I went online and looked up reviews on boxing excercise regiments and this book kept coming up...I became intrigued and ordered the book. Well let me tell you just the basics I thought I knew I needed to make adjustments, and this book should be called boxing for dummy's. It teaches you everything from stance, to punching to movements, to lifting to you name it...if it's in boxing this book covers it. So I bought this book for my wife, but I got just as much use out of it as she has been getting. Highly recommended!
Customer Review: Excellent boxing instruction
I found this book to be well done. It has a 4-week workout schedule with three workouts per week. I am on the third week and not only are my arm muscles developing, but they glow when I finish a workout and I feel great. This is a full-body workout - you don't stand still and push your arms around. In addition to 3-minute round-style combo punches and defense, you jump rope and do strength exercises (push ups, crunches, flutter kicks). The instruction is well-illustrated and the book does a great job of motivating you. This can be an intense workout, but you'll feel stronger after each one. You really need to put your all into the workout - no half-hearted punches, and no cheating! I purchased this book to start boxing for fitness, and I love it. These are actual punches and combos you could take to the ring someday, if you wanted. I also purchased a DVD boxing video and I find myself drifting off and going back to this book because it encourages you to practice numerous combos and come up with your own unique workout, not a boring jab, jab, right, hook, repeat 10 times. Get a pair of gloves (mine are pink), pick up this book, and really work off the pounds.

We all make mistakes and I have no problem apologizing to other people if I should ever let them down. But, a few years ago I decided that there was one person that I was going to stop asking forgiveness ofmyself.

Mainly I found myself making excuses for not hitting the goals that I had set for myself. Usually I was more disappointed in the lack of effort than the end result. And, although I always had an excuseI almost never believed them.

Now, I know youre probably expecting an article about how to lose 30 pounds in 30 days or how to get washboard abs in just fifteen minutestwo times a week.
But, until we get past your main obstacle [making excuses for not working out and eating right], theres no point in giving you tips on how to have sexier legs in high heels.

First, lets get beyond the obvious. Youre always too busy or tired to either get to the gym or pack small, healthy meals to take with you to work. Nonsenseyou just need to make your health as much a priority as hitting Starbucks everyday.

To get started, put a note on your bedroom closet reminding you to pack a gym bag and healthy snacks for the next day.

Keep your workout outfits simple and comfortable so you dont skip the gym because of a fashion faux pas. Fill a few plastic containers with low calorie snacks and include non-fat cottage cheese and/or a protein shake.

Wake up a half hour earlier a few times a week. Either dust off that piece of exercise equipment youve been using to hang up your winter clothes or just head out the door for a 30-minute walk or bike ride. Trust me, itll do a lot more to get you going in the morning than that $6 quadruple shot latte.

During the day, remember to drink plenty of water and eat one of your small meals every few hours.

Now, the toughie! Getting to the gym after work always sounds good in the morning, but gets less appealing as the day drags on. Thats why its important that you maintain your energy level throughout the day (remember that morning walk and small meals?). Also, I cant overemphasize the importance of eating breakfast because it keeps your metabolism higher throughout the day.

For all of you parents, between daycare issues and soccer games, it may seem hard enough to get dinner on the table let alone steal a half hour to get yourself to the gym. But, the good news is that a lot of gyms have some kind of drop in kids area. Plus, given this countrys childhood obesity epidemic, its almost never too soon for the kids to join you. As for soccer games, dont forget your running shoes. Take a brisk walk around the soccer complex during half time rather than just standing on the sidelines.

Maybe a lifestyle change like this just seems too daunting. Dont worry. Ill be the first to tell you that it isnt going to happen overnight.

At the start, its okay to set smaller goals and milestones. Once you start achieving them regularly, work your way up to loftier goals, and so on. I had to do that after my accident and eventually, I was competing in and winning professional fitness competitions.

Bottom line - no matter what your fitness level, stop making excuses and start doing something. Eventually, youll stop asking yourself for forgiveness where your health is concerned. But most importantly, you will be happier and healthier and to most people, those are two of the things that equal success.

Bruce Hunter is the CEO of CORE Magazine in Denver Colorado. Visit our free online resource center now to get free access to information on how to find the best home personal trainer.

Perfect Combination

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